Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Post of Your Choice x 2

Hello! As we wind down this last week together, I want to give you a chance to blog about whatever you want for your final two posts. Please include the following in either or both posts:

A link
An embedded video

Here's your chance to share about anything that you've been thinking about lately, or just want to explore!

These 2 posts will make up your last two grades!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Tell Me a Story

Tell Me A Story

Find an image that relates to your topic in some way. It would help to have people in it, and the more dramatic, the better. Post first. 
Beneath it, make up a story or tell the story that goes with the picture. Be creative! Should be at least 15 sentences with some descriptive elements. 
It could be a fiction story or real. It could be about something that happened to you or that you make up. 
Some descriptive elements you could add would be things like: dialogue, similes, imagery, metaphors, personification, alliteration, etc....

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Guest Blogging Post

Guest Blogger Post

This assignment requires some creativeness and trust!  

What it is:  You partner with someone and take over each other’s blogs for the day.

What do you write about? Since you are “taking over” the other person’s blog, 
you have to write about a topic that would fit their blog to some extent.

What does a “Guest Post” include?

  1. You have to introduce yourself and post a picture of you at the top of
     the post and explain your relationship to the person whose blog you are taking over.
    Example: Hello everyone! This is Maggie from Tatertots and Jello. Today, 
I’m taking over for Christina who is one of my best DIY friends. We just attended
 a home decor conference together and she asked me to share my favorite tips 
for organizing my home in the new year, so here goes!

3. You must write a post that is 250-500 words and include at least two pictures about a 
topic related to your partner’s blog. Talk with them about what you could write about.

4. You need to put a link to your blog in the post so people who found this blog 
can follow you if they want to.

5. Title the post : Guest Post: Topic (Fill in the topic you decide on!)

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Blog Interview

Interviews and Profiles

A popular item included in many blogs involves doing an interview (usually with someone famous 
or at least famous in blogland) and revealing the interview questions and answers on the blog.

We are going to be interviewing each other for this next project, but before we do, you need to 
come up with some interview questions. Think of this like a survey that is tied to your blog topic. 
What are 10-15 survey questions you’d like to ask someone about the topic you care about?

For instance, if  you blog about cooking, maybe one of your interview questions could be: 
What meal would you want to have if you knew it would be your last and why?

If you blog about home decor, one question might be:
 If you were given 25,000 dollars to redo some aspect of your home, what would you do and why?

Make your 10-15 questions open-ended so that they are things anyone could answer without
 being an expert. It would be ideal if they are all related to your blog topic in some way.

Today and tomorrow's goal : Come up with a list of 10-15 questions that you could 
ask and interview people about related to your blog topic. 
Type them, and print them out for me.

How to put into your blog…

Type the question like:

  1. What countries have you been to, and which one did you like the most? Why?

Megan: Response
Josie: Response
Hannah: Response

2.  Keep going!

Friday, January 5, 2018

Writing a Review

Hello everyone!
Today and Monday we will be working on how to write a good review of a product or item related to your personal blog. If your blog is about video games, review a game. If it's about fashion, review a store, type of clothing or type of make-up. If it's about cooking, review a famous chef show or cooking utensil..you get the picture. :)

Follow along on your handout to make sure you include all the elements needed to write your review, so that you can earn a perfect "10"!


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Happy New Year Top 5!

Happy 2018!
I hope you had a good break, got lots of sleep, relaxed, and had fun with friends and family! Today we are doing something a lot of bloggers do in the new year - look back and rank ideas or items from 2017.

Every new year, lots of “Top 10” lists come out that rank anything and everything from the previous year. Today, you are working on a new post that will include several links and your opinions. You will be creating a TOP 5 LIST of your favorite/worst  items/bloggers/etc… related to your topic. Each item should include the following:

Name of Item – (link embedded)
Two reasons/comments why you included it in your top 5 list.

Have fun with this one!
Mrs. C

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Partner Project


Today you can work with a partner or by yourself to create a brief presentation about a topic related to your blogs. It can be about one or two topics, so work together to figure out what you want to do!
Here is what the presentation should include:
1. Use PowerPoint to create it and use Office 365 so you can share it.
2. SLIDE 1 - Heading page with your names, the name of your topic, and some striking images of you and items related to the topic.
3. SLIDE 2 - What is the person/topic's background? Tell us about them!
4. SLIDE 3 - Describe what they are most famous for and why you picked them/it as your focus. How do they relate to your blogs?
5. SLIDE 4 - Embed a good video clip that you think showcases who your person/group/event is to the class.
6. SLIDE 5 - List 3 Fascinating Facts about them that not everyone might know.
7. SLIDE 6 - Conclusion Slide - YOUR CHOICE of what to put on it.

You have today and half of tomorrow's class to complete this! Then, we will start presenting!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Reviewing a good blogger

For today's assignment, you have to find a blog that relates to yours in some way and analyze it. This just means that you'll look for certain details and evaluate how well the blogger uses them in their blog. Follow along on the class handout, and let me know if you have questions.

Some blogs we could evaluate together:
Sports blog
Horse Blog

Have a great day!
Mrs. C

Friday, December 15, 2017

Happy Friday #2!

As usual, today is a catch up day, but I also want you to try adding some fun widgets to your blog.Widgets are small gadgets that you can use to show weather, time, visitors, link your Instagram, etc...

To find widgets, you can google "widgets for blogs" or try this website that has some safe and popular options. WIDGETS

Try to add at least one to your blog today!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Knowing your audience and focusing on writing...

Hello in Blogland!
Today you get to have some time to write up a post over any topic you want that fits your blog. Here are some guidelines to follow:

1. Write your first topic post about the subject you chose. It should:
      A. Include a greeting of some kind that shows an awareness of your audience.
      A. Have 8-10 sentences (overall) in the post about your topic.
      B. Include at least 2 images to support your topic.
      C. Include a closing sentence that shows you an awareness of your audience.

Good luck on your first main topic post! Let me know if you have questions!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Blog Reviews

For today, you will be visiting 5 blogs that come after your name and writing up a mini review on each. When you finish, please show them to me, and then you will give them out to the people you reviewed. Give them some good feedback after all of their hard work!

Post of Your Choice x 2

Hello! As we wind down this last week together, I want to give you a chance to blog about whatever you want for y our final two posts. Plea...